Terms & Conditions

Terms, conditions and fares 


1.1. “Booking” means a Customer’s request for Services, howsoever communicated  to the Company as evidenced by the Company’s records.  

1.2. “Business Day” means a day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)  which is also a day on which clearing banks in the UK are open.  

1.3. “Cancellation Fee” means a fee charged by the Company for the cancellation of  the Services by the Customer before the booked collection time or after the  Passenger Vehicle has departed to fulfil the Booking (whether or not it has arrived at  the Collection Address) as detailed in the Price (such fees will be higher for collection  outside of Cardiff).  

1.4. “Contract” means a contract for the provision of the Services to the Customer  and each such Contract shall incorporate these Terms.  

1.5. “Charges” means the Company’s charges shown in the Price List or other  published literature or that discussed via email or telephone.  

1.6. “Christmas Period” means between 18:00 on 24 December to 06:00 AM on 27  December, in any year.  

1.7. “New Year’s Period” means between 18:00 on 31 December to 06:00 AM on 2  January, in any year.  

1.8. “Collection Address” means the address stated by the Customer at the time of  making the Booking as the address from which the Vehicle shall collect the  Customer, any Passengers or the Goods.  

1.9. “Company” means Executive Swift Travel Ltd.  

1.10. “Credit and Debit Card Services” means Services provided by the Company to  the Customer, to be paid for by the Customer to the Company by way of a credit or  debit card payment. Or, by invoice as agreed.  

1.11. “Customer” means any person(s), firm or company to whom the Company  provides Services.  

1.12. “Driver” means any person who provides his/her services, for the  transportation of Passengers by a Passenger Vehicle, to the Company under a  contract for services.  

1.13. “Goods” means any goods transported by the Company pursuant to a Contract.  1.14. “In Writing” means any written communication including email and SMS.  1.15. “Passenger(s)” means the Customer and such persons whom the Customer  shall authorise and/or permit to make use of the Passenger Services by travelling in a  Passenger Vehicle.  

1.16. “Passenger Vehicle” means any vehicle provided by the Company for the  carriage of Passengers. 

1.17. “Price List” means the list maintained by the Company of its Charges relating to  the Services from time to time and a current copy of which can be obtained on  request. Prices can vary depending on the time of day or night.  

1.18. “Services” means the transportation of Passengers by car.  

1.19. “Terms” means these terms and conditions, as amended from time to time, to  which the Passenger(s) agree upon using any of our services.  

1.20. “Extra Waiting Time Fee” means a fee charged to the Customer by the  Company following clauses 2.3.5, 2.3.6, 2.3.7 or 2.3.8 as detailed in the Price List.  1.21. “Operating Centre” means place where the booking is taken by the Company  to provide Services for the Customer.  


2.1. Account, Credit and Debit Card Services 

2.1.1. When making a Booking for the Credit and Debit Card Services, the Customer  must select to pay the Company for the Services either by way of a credit card or a  debit card payment, details of which shall be processed by the Company. The  company is processing/capturing all payments at least one day before the time of  collection or at the time of allocation to the driver. If for any reason payment will be  not settled or is impossible to be captured – the booking automatically will be  cancelled.  

2.1.2. In consideration for the performance of the Credit and Debit Card Services,  the Customer shall pay the Charges by way of a credit or debit card payment by  clause 2.1.1.  

2.1.3. When placing the booking for the Account Services, the Customer shall pay for  all Charges onto the company account not later than the due date on the invoice  issued after the specific period agreed between the Customer and the Company.  

2.2. Cash Services 

2.2.1. The company reserves the right to accept Cash Services (payment) at its own  discretion, as this is not an accepted standard payment method. Cash Services can  only be booked with the assistance of an operator, via phone or email under  exceptional circumstances.  

2.3. Passenger Services – Fees 

2.3.1. The price provided to the Customer at the time of making the Booking shall be  based on the journey specified by the Customer at the time of Booking (the “Original  Journey”). The price provided to the Customer at the time of making the Booking  may not include additional fees like extra waiting time, please discuss with us at the  time of booking. If the price is provided by email or over the phone all fees will be  provided at the time of the booking. The price quoted by the Company shall be 

based upon the Company’s chosen route between the Collection Address and the  Customer’s destination (via any other pick -up points or drop-off points stated by the  Customer at the time of making the Booking). Should the Customer wish to take a  specific route (which is different to that taken by the Company) the Company  reserves the right to charge the Customer an additional charge in relation to that  Booking.  

2.3.2. Any booking requested via telephone, email or website enquiry will be  confirmed via email, and until email confirmation is received and after repeat of the  full payment form The Supplier, you must assume the booking hasn’t been  processed and checked or confirmed.  

2.3.3. Booking swill confirm service date, time, pick-up and drop off address, fees  payable to The Supplier, including the number or passengers and number of luggage  items and vehicle type as a minimum.  

2.3.4. The Company reserves the right to charge the Customer for any additional  costs which may be incurred by the Company as a result of any variation or deviation  from the Original Journey specified at the time of Booking, as detailed below.  2.3.5. If a passenger changes or deviates from the original booking destination as  required by The Customer once the journey has started, the driver will hold the right  to charge the passenger(s) for any additional mileage and time incurred.  2.3.6. The Company shall be entitled to vary the Price List from time to time by  giving not less than 1 Business Days notice to the Customer.  

2.3.7. If a Booking is cancelled by the Customer on or after the arrival of the  Passenger Vehicle at the Collection Address, a Cancellation Fee shall be charged. If a  Booking is cancelled by a Customer after the Passenger Vehicle has departed to full fill the Booking (but before it arrives at the Collection Address) the Company shall be  entitled, at its sole discretion, to charge a Cancellation Fee.  

2.3.8. The Customer and Passenger(s) and any luggage or personal items shall be  ready for collection at the time stipulated by the Customer when the Booking is  made. The Company will allow a maximum of 10 minutes free waiting or loading  time when picking up Passenger(s) from a regular address. If all booked Passenger(s)  have not boarded the Passenger Vehicle within 10 minutes of the stipulated time,  the Company reserves the right to charge the Customer a Waiting Time Fee (See  Price List) proportionate to the delay in departure from the Collection Address,  which will, for the avoidance of doubt, include the first 10 minutes. After the free 10  minutes of waiting time pass, if contact cannot be made with the Customer, the  booking will be automatically considered cancelled due to “no show” policy. 2.3.9. In relation to the collection of the Customer and any Passenger(s) from a  London airport (Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Luton, London City or Southend) or  major port/cruise terminal (Southampton, Portsmouth, Dover, Harwich, Tilbury), the  Company will allow a maximum of 30 minutes free waiting time and parking starting 

from the scheduled pick-up time* (for airports pick-ups, scheduled time is worked  out by adding the chosen time frame (M&G period) after the last known estimated  arrival time of an inbound international flight). The Company reserves the right to  

charge the Customer a Waiting Time Fee proportionate to the delay in departure,  which shall not include the first 30 minutes, but only the period waited after this  initial time frame. For the purposes of this clause the “last known estimated arrival  time” will either be (a) if the Customer provides a flight number at the time of  making the Booking, the Company will monitor the relevant flight and alter the  collection time accordingly; or (b) if the Customer does not provide a flight number,  the time which has been specified by the Customer. After the 60 minutes of waiting  time pass, if contact cannot be made with the Customer, the booking will be  automatically considered cancelled due to the “no show” policy.  2.3.10. In relation to collection of the Customer and any Passenger(s) from a London  train station, the Company will allow a maximum of 10 minutes of free waiting time  from the scheduled pick-up time. In the event that all booked Passenger(s) have not  boarded the Passenger Vehicle within 10 minutes of the stipulated time, the  Company reserves the right to charge the Customer a Waiting Time Fee (See Price  List) proportionate to the delay in departure from the Collection Address, which will,  for the avoidance of doubt, include the first 10 minutes. After the free 10 minutes of  waiting time pass, if contact cannot be made with the Customer, the booking will be  automatically considered cancelled due to “no show”.  

2.3.11. All parking fees are included in the price.  

2.3.12. If the Customer requires the Company at the beginning and/or during the  course of the Original Journey to make any alternative pick-up(s) or collection(s) of  Passenger(s) during the course of the Original Journey or to drop off Passengers at  any locations other than as specified in the Original Journey or to take any variation  from the Original Journey as specified at the time of Booking, additional charges may  be applied by the Company, as detailed in the Price List. The Company reserves the  right to decline carriage to any Passenger who do not agree to the price being  recalculated to new specifications.  

2.3.13. If the Customer requires more than four (3) passengers to travel in a  Passenger Vehicle additional charges may be levied by the Company for the  provision of a larger Passenger Vehicle or the carriage of additional Passengers in  excess of four depending on luggage.  

2.3.14. The Company shall be entitled to exercise a lien over any property belonging  to the Customer in its possession pending payment of any Charges due to the  Company.  

2.3.15. The Company reserves the right to charge the Customer a surcharge for all  journeys made during the Christmas Period and Public Holidays, such surcharge as  detailed in the Price List. 

2.3.16. The Company reserves the right to charge the Customer a fee for extra  luggage (as detailed in the Price List).  

2.3.17. The Company reserves the right to decline carriage to any Passenger(s)  whose booking details at the time of pick-up do not match those of the Original  Journey (ex. Customer books Original Journey for 2 passengers and 2 pieces of  luggage and at pick-up he boards Passenger Vehicle with 4 pieces of luggage).  2.3.18. The company reserves the right to accept or reject any booking done online  even if it was prepaid. In this case, Customer will be refunded in full.  2.3.19. At times we may need to provide subcontracted vehicles or/and drivers to  help fulfil requests.  

2.3.20. Our vehicles and sub contracted vehicles will be fully insured for passenger  and third party claims.  

2.3.21. Drivers will drive at safe an sensible speeds in accordance with road and  traffic conditions.  

2.4. Passenger Services – General 

2.4.1. The Company may, in its absolute discretion, decline to accept any Booking.  2.4.2. The Company shall use reasonable endeavours to provide a Passenger Vehicle  in good working order of the type specified by the Customer (or, if such a vehicle is  not available, a reasonable alternative vehicle) within any time for so doing given by  the Company or within a reasonable time.  

2.4.3. In providing the Passenger Services, a Driver shall choose, at his/her sole  discretion, the route from the Collection Address to the Customer’s destination. If a  Customer requests that a specific route is taken, any price quoted in respect of such  journey may be amended.  

2.4.4. Customers must inform the Company at the time of making a booking if the  Customer or any Passenger wishes to carry any domestic animals in any Passenger  Vehicle. All domestic animals should be carried in a suitable box or cage, if  appropriate and/or be suitably restrained. The Company and/or the Driver reserve  the right to cancel a booking on arrival if the Company has not been informed of the  Customer’s requirement to carry an animal in the Passenger Vehicle. Guide dogs are  exempt from this requirement and are permitted to be carried in any Passenger  Vehicle.  

2.4.5. Passengers are not permitted to smoke in any Passenger Vehicle.  2.4.6. Passengers shall not play any musical instrument or recorded music in any  Passenger Vehicle except with the permission from the driver.  

2.4.7. Passengers shall not consume alcohol in any Passenger Vehicle except with the  written permission of the Company and the Company reserves the right to decline  carriage to any Passenger who, in its opinion, is intoxicated. 

2.4.8. The transportation of luggage in a Passenger Vehicle shall be permitted in the  absolute discretion of the Company. Passengers shall remain responsible at all times  for their luggage. The Company may assist the Customer with the loading and  unloading of his/her luggage from the Passenger Vehicle, at the Company’s sole  discretion.  

2.4.9. The Company accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage to any luggage  which is transported in a Passenger Vehicle. The Customer acknowledges and  accepts that any luggage stored in the Passenger Vehicle may move around during  the journey and accordingly the Customer (and any Passengers) should take extra  care when opening the luggage compartment of the Passenger Vehicle.  2.4.10. Passengers are required to comply with current customs laws and regulations  and the Company shall not be responsible for any delays caused by any failure to  comply with the same.  

2.4.11. All Passengers are required to use seatbelts at all times. 2.4.12. The Company will allow unaccompanied children of 14 years of age or less to  travel alone in a Passenger Vehicle at its own discretion. When booking a journey for  any child less than 14 years of age the caller must inform the Company that a child  will be traveling. The Company does not accept any additional responsibility for any  child who travels unaccompanied in a Passenger Vehicle. Please note child seats are  not a requirement in Taxi & Private Hire Vehicles, and for this reason, we do not  enforce or provide these while undertaking a journey with us; you can bring your  own seat, but this cannot be stored with the driver.  

2.4.13. The Company reserves the right to refuse to transport any Passenger who  behaves in a disorderly, threatening or abusive manner or who, in its absolute  discretion, the Company considers a nuisance or a danger to its employees, agents,  subcontractors or fellow Passengers. The Company is committed to providing  services in accordance with the Equality Act. The Company will do what it reasonably  can to assist those who are not capable of boarding and alighting a Passenger  Vehicle unaided.  

2.4.14. The Company reserves the right to charge reasonable cleaning charges plus  2h loss of earnings for the driver at our normal hourly rate in the event of spillages,  vomits or other damages to a car interior. For any spillages, Company reserves the  right to charge a minimum contamination charge at £60 in the event that any  Passenger does (or is directly or indirectly responsible for) any other serious mess  (vomits, dog hairs, food-related mess, mud on seats and similar). Passengers take full  responsibility to cover all costs to restore the car to usable condition and this  includes the loss of earnings to the driver.  

2.4.15. The Company shall not be responsible for any property left by Passengers in  any Passenger Vehicle. Such property will be stored by the Company for a period of 

14 days and thereafter the Company shall be entitled to return it at a cost and when  the driver is available to do so, destroy or otherwise dispose of such property as it, in  its absolute discretion, sees fit.  

2.4.16. The Passenger shall be responsible for covering the cost of extra charges in  the event of a delay being caused by a 3rd party (immigration or luggage claim  queues, lost property or delays caused by the airport/airline used).  2.4.17. A maximum time of 15 minutes for normal bookings and 60 minutes for  airport/port bookings will be allocated (when the booking was prepaid), after which  time non-contact with the Customer will classify the booking to be a “no-show”. For  the purpose hereof, a “No-show” is defined as an event whereby a Customer (a) in  case of address collection, fails to meet the driver on the agreed pick-up time at the  agreed pick-up point; or (b) in case of airport/port collection, fails to meet the driver  in the arrival hall within the allocated time.  

2.4.18. The Company uses Google Maps to improve the Website user experience for  our Customers. However, the Company does not assume any responsibility for the  map’s accuracy, distance or time displayed by Google Maps. This is a third party  service. If the Customer wants to know the exact distance, the average time of a  journey or other information displayed by Google Maps, they should call our  Operating Centre.  

2.4.19. The Company is committed to protecting the privacy of its Customers. The  Company will only use the information that it collects about the Customers lawfully  (by the Data Protection Act 1998). Information is collected for two reasons: first, to  process the reservation, and second, to provide the Customer with the best possible  service. The Company will not send out marketing e-mail in the future unless so  consented by the Customer. The Company will give the Customer the chance to  refuse any marketing email from the Company or from another trader in the future.  The type of information the Company will collect about the Customer includes their  name, address, phone number, email address and credit/debit card details. The  Company will never collect sensitive information about the Customer without their  explicit consent. The information held by the Company will be accurate and up to  date. The Customer will be able to check the information held by the Company by  emailing the same. If the Customer finds any inaccuracies, the Company will delete  or correct them promptly.  

2.4.20. The Customer shall be liable for any damage caused by Passengers to any  Passenger Vehicle.  

2.4.21. Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by the Company’s  negligence, or that of its servants or agents, the Company’s liability to the Customer  for loss and/or damage caused by the negligence of the Company and/or its servants  or agents, or otherwise which arises out of or in connection with the provision of the  Services or their use by the Customer shall be limited as follows: In relation to the Services generally, the Company’s liability shall not exceed  £150; In the case of lost or damaged Goods (including where relevant luggage of  Customers travelling in Passenger Vehicles), the Company’s liability shall not exceed  £150 unless the Customer has notified the Company that the Goods have a value  over £150 before the journey and the Company has agreed in writing to be  responsible for the repair or replacement of the Goods up to a greater value and the  Customer shall indemnify the Company against any Passenger claiming sums over  such limits.  

2.4.23. Any complaints relating to the Services shall be addressed to the Company  and made in writing within 7 days of the event giving rise to the complaint.  


3.1. Car Type  

We will provide our service as Executive Swift Travel, using the following car types,  unless communicated to you otherwise:  

Mercedes/ Audi / BWM recommended 3 passengers, maximum 2 suitcases  MPV / 6/7 seater – up to 7 passengers 6 suitcases and 3 hand luggage  We reserve the right to change your vehicle at any time if necessary.  

3.2. Waiting Time  

3.2.1. Extra waiting time is calculated based on actual landing time (for airport  pickups). Based on the information provided by the passengers we calculate extra  waiting time accordingly to the scheduled pickup time and for airport pickups based  on actual landing time – for example: if a customer requested to be picked up at  14:00 when the scheduled landing time is at 13:30 – it means our driver shall be  inside the terminal 45 minutes after landing time.  

Driver shall monitor the flights and enter the terminal accordingly to the actual  landing time. We can not promise that in case of early landing, the driver will be  there earlier than the originally scheduled pickup time.  

3.2.2. Delays in the air. For airport pickups, if the passenger flight is delayed for more  than 45 minutes and the allocated driver is on the way to, or at the pickup location –  extra waiting charges will be applied for the delays in the air. The first 45 minutes of  

the delay in the air will be free of charge as and therefore charges will not be  applied. This is usually for shorter flights, which is approximately 1hours and 15  minutes.  

3.2.3. Waiting charges:  

0-10 minutes = free of charge / extra charges may apply for late departure. 

3.3. Other Charges 

Diversion or stop on the way extra charges may apply.  

Please note child seats are not a requirement in Taxi & Private Hire Vehicles, and for  this reason, we do not enforce or provide these while undertaking a journey with us;  you can bring your own seat, but this cannot be stored with the driver.  

3.4. Public Holidays Charges / Out of hours 

The following days will be charged at a holiday rate by the Company for any services  provided:  

Christmas period – between 18:00 on 24/12 up to 06:00 on 27/12 each year  New Years period – between 18:00 on 31/12 up to 06:00 on 02/01 each year  Easter Period – between 18:00 on Ester Friday up to 23:59 on Easter Monday each  year  

This means the journey will be charged at 50% extra compared to the normal rate  (ex. charge of journey + 50% holiday fee).  

The following days will be charged at out of hourly rate by the Company for any  services provided:  

21:00 up to 04:59 am every day of the week.  

This means the journey will be charged 20% extra compared to the normal rate (ex.  charge of journey + 20% out-of-hours fee).  

We reserve the right to increase fares accordingly to our availability. If for any reason  we have limited access to our driver partners, fares might be increased accordingly  without any notice.  

3.5. Accepted Standard Payment Method 

Please note that all online reservations are subject to card payment only (the  company reserves the right to accept cash payment at its discretion, but reservations  can only be made with the assistance of an operator, via phone or email). This  enforcement is now in place due to avoid “no-shows” and fake reservations. If for  any reason you need to cancel the booking, payment will be refunded according to  our standard cancellation and refund policy.  

3.6. Traveling with Pets within the Vehicle 

Transport for London and Transport for Wales enforces that all licensed taxis and  minicabs offer their services to guide dog users without charging extra. If a company  or a driver has refused to undertake a journey or has charged you extra because of a  guide dog, you can report them directly to the Transport for London Taxi and  Minicab division. This applies to accredited assistance dog users only. 


  1. Cancelation Policy – General  

4.1 There is a small charge for processing the payment to our customers for  unexpected situations where a journey needs to be cancelled (as long as this is done  24 hours in advance of the requested pick-up time). We understand that sometimes  the unpredictable happens and for unforeseen reasons, you simply can’t make it.  If you would like to cancel your booking with us, you can do this by emailing us with  your booking reference and call us with the reason for cancellation.  Pre-paid bookings will be refunded in a maximum of 5 working days from the  moment of cancellation.  

If a booking is cancelled less than 24 hours before the scheduled pick-up time by a  customer, a cancellation fee will be applied, which depends on the time we were  informed…  

More than 24 hours before pick-up time = 10% charge applied / 90% refund  Between 24 and 3 hours before pick-up time = 40% of the journey price  Between 3 hours and up to the pick-up time = 50% of the journey price  Once the journey has commenced (driver on the way), or If you double booked with  a different company but failed to inform or cancel the journey with us, or If you have  booked a journey with us but did not turn up, we will require 100% of journey price.  We recommend paying for the journey 24h before the scheduled pickup time to  avoid any cancellation charge.  

4.2 Refunds 

The company has a strict no-refund policy for trips that have been undertaken and  completed. In such cases, a refund will not be possible. If, for any reason, the driver  is running late for the pickup, the customer must acknowledge and accept this fact  

before using the service. There are various factors that can influence the trip,  including traffic conditions, which may cause the driver to be slightly late. We notify  all passengers in advance of any potential delays, and you have the option to decide  whether they still wish to use the service or not. In case you decide you do not want  the service anymore due to the delay, we will refund you 100% of the fare.  

4.3 Circumstances Beyond Control 

In the Terms of Business, it’s outlined that neither party will be held responsible for  delays or failures in fulfilling their obligations due to events outside their reasonable  control, such as natural disasters, pandemics, governmental actions, or other  unforeseeable events. During such force majeure events, efforts will be made to  minimise impacts, and obligations will be suspended accordingly. Should these  delays extend beyond 90 days, either party may choose to terminate or cancel the 

contracted services. This provision ensures flexibility and fairness for both parties  under extraordinary circumstances.  

4.4 Out Of Control Situations 

The company has the right to cancel any booking in circumstances that are beyond  its control, such as natural disasters, pandemics, fires, or airport closures. If the  customer books a specific service (e.g. Meet and Greet) and the company is unable  to provide it due to an unforeseeable situation (e.g. a fire at the airport), but a  general transportation service is still being provided, the company reserves the right  to charge the full price for the provided service.  

  1. Governing Law And Jurisdiction  

5.1 This agreement shall be governed and interpreted according to the law of  England and Wales and all disputes arising under this agreement (including non contractual disputes or claims) shall be subject to the courts of England and Wales.  5.2 Nothing in this agreement between the parties limits or excludes any liability for  fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.  


  1. 6. Data Storage  

6.1 Due to regulation – General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) live from 25 May  2018, which replaces the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC, every customer who  uses our services agrees to store the necessary information required for the booking  such as Full Name, Address, Phone Number, IP Address and Email Address. In any  case and at any time, Passengers can ask about all information we hold about them,  and if required, we will delete it from our system.  

6.2 We charge all our customers using a safe online payment method – iZettle or  Stripe. The payment is secured in the best possible way. Your data is stored in  secured (not accessible even for us) data storage online. We initiate the charge  which amount is defined in a booking confirmation and has been agreed upon by the  Passenger and the Company online, by email, or any other communication method  used for the booking purposes. By using our services, Passengers agree to be  charged any additional charges which occur during the journey and which haven’t  been agreed upon beforehand, like – extra waiting time, extra stops, excessive  luggage, extra parking, congestion charge, extra tools, cleaning fees and loss of  earnings to the driver – all defined in “Fees” section above. In case of any extra  charges, Passengers will be notified about it by the Company, and the payment  method used to pay for the booking will be debited accordingly after the journey.  6.3. All drivers have RAC/AA Recovery and are licensed with the relevant local  authority. 

If you have any questions, feedback or concerns about any of the above, you can  contact us via email at info@executiveswifttravel.com or phone at +44 7974812067.  This is to inform you that the terms and conditions were updated on May 16th, 2024.